A Resolution Worth Keeping… More Vibrant Faith Debbie W. Wilson has a big God, and she wants other to know Him too! In this Faith UPGRADE, she encourages us to take stock of our lives and determine whether our faith walk with the Lord is growing. “After the holidays, diet centers and gyms fill up,” Debbie says, “If our temporal bodies are worth investing in, what about our spiritual life?” I (Dawn) think this is a good question. This January, instead of focusing on diet plans, I focused on spiritual truths that will build my life—and ultimately affect other things. That’s Debbie’s focus too. She encourages spiritual growth in a key area—FAITH. Debbie continues . . . Some of us use the beginning of a new year as an opportunity to reflect on where we are in life and where we want to go. 2020 tested the faith of many of us in ways we couldn’t have previously imagined. I lost a prayer partner who was also one of my closest friends. Many of my friends lost loved ones, not to COVID, but to accidents and other illnesses. Add to this our national unrest. The hate and deception I saw in my country sickened and saddened me. More than ever, we can no longer stand to limp along with weak faith. It’s time to strengthen the limbs that are weak. Soft may be desirable in pillows and toilet paper, but soft faith won’t hold up in the times we find ourselves. The Bible says, But the righteous will live by his faith (Habakkuk 2:4 NASB). What are some of the rewards of strong faith? Recognizing the perils of fragile faith and the benefits of firm faith motivates me to persevere in strengthening my flabby faith muscles. In what kind of condition is your faith? Consider which traits on the following lists best describe where you are today. Fragile Faith: Worries, frets, and forgets our Father already knows our needs (Matthew 6:30, Psalms 23:1); Is timid and fearful (Matthew 8:26); Is easily distracted (Matthew 14:30-31) Quickly forgets God’s history and character (Matthew 16:8-10); Has limited spiritual power (Matthew 17:18-21); Lives confined by more restrictions (Romans 14:1-2); and Lives by feelings and sight (Hebrews 10:38). Firm Faith: Believes what God says (Matthew 8:5-10); Heals body and soul (Matthew 9:2, 22, 29, 15:28; Mark 2:6); Restores our sight — literally in this passage, but also spiritually (Luke 18:35-43); Grows stronger in impossible circumstances (Romans 4:19-20); Expands our personal freedoms (Romans 14:23); Is demonstrated through obedience (Romans 16:26, Hebrews 11); Is based on God’s power, not man’s wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:5); Has Christ as its object (Galatians 2:20, Hebrews 12:2); and Is bold (2 Timothy 1:7). In what areas are you doing well? In which areas do you need improvement? Just as our bodies require fuel and exercise, so do our souls. Studying the Bible feeds our faith, but we must exercise that faith through obedience to stay strong and continue growing. We need to create a plan to renew our minds daily and we must practice what we learn in order to exercise those faith muscles. WHEN will you read your Bible? — If it helps, write it on your daily calendar. WHAT will you read? — Choose a book of the Bible or a Bible study book that you will work through. WHERE will you meet with the Lord daily? — Keep your Bible, journal, pens, and highlighters there. Like all living things, faith requires constant care. Just as physical health requires good nutrition, rest, exercise, and daily hygiene so vibrant faith requires effort. No one brushes her teeth and says, “Good, I never have to do that again!” So it is with faith. Moment by moment, opportunity by opportunity, we must choose to walk by faith, or, by default, we won’t. My desire this year is to consciously CHOOSE faith! Let’s pray for each other, that this year will be a year of strong faith—faith that says, “Wow, what a Savior!” Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well (3 John 1:2). I don’t know what 2021 will bring. But those who are planted on the rock never need fear the storms. Our rock never fails. What is one habit you want to add or change in order to strengthen your faith this year? Debbie W. Wilson, drawing from her walk with Christ and decades as a Christian counselor and Bible teacher, mixes insight and encouragement to inspire readers to trust Christ with their lives. Her books include Little Faith, Big God, Give Yourself a Break, and Little Women, Big God. She and her husband Larry founded and run Lighthouse Ministries, a nonprofit biblical counseling, coaching, and Bible study ministry. Find free resources to refresh your faith at debbieWwilson.com. Graphic adapted, courtesy of Free-photos at Pixabay. Faith Spiritual Growth