Christmas Ministry That Makes Jesus Smile: Part 2 Yesterday, Dawn Wilson shared six creative ways to make Jesus smile as we think about Christmas ministry and outreach. In Part 2, here are four more ways to think outside the gift-wrapped box. 7. Share gift coupons. Many fast food restaurants have inexpensive books of coupons. These can be purchased in bulk and kept in the car’s glove compartment to share with the homeless or others in need. Clip them to a Christmas tract or New Testament. Some beauty salons and barber shops offer coupons for free haircuts for the needy. What other kinds of gift coupons can you find to purchase and share? 8. Prepare Ziploc® Gift Bags … or Purses. The Bible tells us to be wise and prepared, not foolish and lazy (Proverbs 6:6-8). When we are prepared to minister, God will give us opportunities. Store some gift bags in your car for the homeless. Things that will be helpful to them to take care of themselves (new toothbrush and toothpaste, hand sanitizer, etc.). Add a couple of food bars and a tract or New Testament. One variation on this is to purchase used-but-good purses at thrift stores and use them to store helpful items in your car trunk. (Since these are for women, add sanitary supplies. I once had a young mom in a parking lot beg me (with tears) for sanitary supplies. We chatted as I walked her into the store to buy a good supply of them and was shocked when she told me she was using old ripped-up clothing she found in a dumpster!) 9. Relieve Some Christmas Fatigue. Be alert to ways you can ease some stress in Jesus’ name. Offer a night or two of free childcare to a weary single mom so she can go Christmas shopping … or just take a nap! Take a young mom or low-income widow (or widower) a ready-to-cook meal or two for their freezer. If you can afford it, ladies, give your pastor’s wife or another church staff member’s wife a visit to a spa! Christmastime can be super stressful on minister’s wives. (If you can really afford it – go with her! You may need some relief too!) Think about how God has comforted you in stresses and hurting times, and consider how you can extend the same kind of comfort to others (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). 10. Offer your expertise. Use what you know! If you are a hairdresser, consider offering free haircuts to the homeless or the needy. Handymen can offer one hour of “fixing” things around the house to widows at their church. An auto mechanic might tweak someone’s car. An organizer could help a “messie” get organized for the holidays. Opportunities are directly linked to your God-given gifts, and your learned skills or expertise. Consider this question: “What is in your hand?” It’s a question God challenged me with one Christmas season: “What’s in your hand, Dawn? What is right in front of you that you can use for My glory?” It’s a question God asked Moses (Exodus 4:2) to get him to notice what the Lord might use to perform miracles! For Moses, it was his simple, everyday shepherd’s staff. For me, it was my pen and computer. As a writer, I ended up helping a (writing-challenged) Christian friend write her Christmas newsletter that year. And a couple of times, I’ve helped a friend by researching a topic for a biblical presentation to use at her Christmas tea. Whatever God has blessed you with, consider how He might want you to use it to bless others during the holiday. What is in your hand? Do you have other ideas for Christmas ministry that would make Jesus smile? Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices Today, LOL with God(with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. She is the Director of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in MInistry (NEWIM San Diego). Dawn is the co-author of LOL with God and contributed “The Blessing Basket” in It’s a God Thing. She and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe. Graphic adapted, image courtesy of tiverylucky at Christmas Ministry