Friendship Praying Rhonda Rhea is known for her humor, but I also appreciate her practical leadership and encouragement. In this Relationship UPGRADE, she touches on one important way to strengthen our friendships. “Ever feel lonely? You’re ‘not alone,’ as it were, in feeling alone,” Rhonda said. “It’s amazing how so many can know a gazillion people—yet still experience a devastating loneliness. Prayer can change that.” I (Dawn) know the Word of God encourages us to make “supplication” for “all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18) and “for all people” (1 Timothy 2:1), and this certainly applies to praying for our friends. So many scriptures about prayer can be applied to our friendships, and especially to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Try it! Rhonda continues . . . The truth is, we need each other. We need to pray for each other. We need to pray for our friends! Here are some “ifs” for friendship praying: 1. If you’re experience smothering loneliness: Ask the Lord to send you a “breath of fresh air” kind of friend. Ask Him to help you become someone else’s breath of fresh air as well. 2. If you’ve been wounded in a friendship: Ask the Lord to give you the ability to forgive and to help you move forward and trust again. 3. If you’re not already: Ask the Lord to give you courage to become proactive in making and maintaining friendships. 4. If you have at least one close friend: Thank the Lord for the amazing blessing she is. Ask Him to make you a blessing to her. Ask Him to give each of you wisdom in honoring Him through the friendship. Which of these “if” prayers could make the biggest difference in your friendships today? Rhonda Rhea is a humor columnist, radio personality, speaker and author of 10 books, including How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person?, Espresso Your Faith – 30 Shots of God’s Word to Wake You Up, and a book designed to encourage Pastor’s Wives (P-Dubs): Join the Insanity. Rhonda, a sunny pastor’s wife, lives near St. Louis and is “Mom” to five grown children. Find out more at Post adapted from Rhonda’s book, Join the Insanity: Crazy-Fun Life in the Pastors’ Wives Club. Graphic adapted—Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat at Friendships Prayer Relationships