God of the Paperclips Susan Stewart is such a practical woman, and her practical insights make her spiritual insights glow! In this Spiritual Growth UPGRADE, she reminds us that God is concerned about every detail in our lives. “In less than twelve hours, a couple thousand people would be in line for the opening of the convention,” Susan said. “Few of us were thinking, ‘God, please take care of the paper clips.'” I (Dawn) have to say, that is a thought-grabbing statement, isn’t it? Does God really care about the tiniest details of our lives? Susan continues . . . Each year the convention committee gathered to pray for the coming event. Around the table, we prayed, “Bless this convention” and “Thank you for letting us be involved.” One person, though, acknowledged that God is vitally interested in every detail of our lives, right down to the paperclips. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10) is a familiar verse. We often emphasize the “be still,” forgetting who is God. We were certainly being still during that time of prayer, but only one person was remembering God’s involvement. How interested is the Creator of the universe in the details of our lives? Well, how interested are you in your children’s lives? Do you care about the specifics of your new recipe? God has the same interest in you and what you do. Have you ever believed that God wants you to do something, but you didn’t know how to do it? Or maybe you feared failure? Often, we end up “being still.” We fuss (pray?), worry (stress?), and sit still—doing nothing. To get out of this trap, we need to learn to: Let God Handle the Paperclips! 1. Be sure what we’re doing has been given TO US by God. I get so many good ideas. I want to do so many good things. When I see the commercials on TV about the hurting children in other countries; I want to do something. I hear about abused women; I want to act. The pastor calls for a Sunday School teacher; I want to raise my hand. Paul wanted to take the gospel to Asia. His desire is heard in the words he writes. Was it God’s plan for the gospel go to Asia? Absolutely. Was it God’s plan that Paul take the Word to Asia? No. In Acts 16, we’re told the Holy Spirit had forbidden Paul to speak the word in Asia. Is it recorded anywhere that Paul worried about how the God was going to take his message to Asia? Paul knew that God wanted his message taken to every man. Paul also listened to the details of the plan as they related to him. Paul didn’t worry about the way that God was going to carry out the plan in Asia. I finally learned a need is not a call. Are you trying to do something that is someone else’s job? Have you lost your focus on what God wants YOU to do? If you are lacking joy in what you are doing, maybe you’re doing someone else’s assignment and leaving God out of the details. 2. We should ponder WHY we’re doing what we’re doing. Often, we carry on a project out of tradition, or even because we think no one else will do it. Are you doing something God wants stopped? This applies not only to church service, but also to every activity we are involved in. Are you there because it seems right, or because you feel obligated, or because God wants you there? 3. When God shows us a task to do, let HIM worry about the details. Our God is mighty, powerful, and strong. These are big words. In our puny little minds, we think God is too big to be bothered with the tiny details. In the United States, we don’t need to depend on God to take care of much. Unlike people in a third world nation, we usually know where our next meal is coming from, what we will clothe our children with, where we will stay out of the rain. We have become so self-sufficient, we don’t think we should bother God with little things like paper clips. God has all the details worked out—in advance—from eternity (that’s huge). It doesn’t matter whether we’re trying to get enough nursery workers or preparing a dinner for in-laws. Take a look at the latter chapters of Exodus. God gave Moses detailed instructions in the construction of the tabernacle. God cared enough about these details that He even gave Moses the color of the fabric to use and the placement of curtain hangers. On the other hand, God may choose to NOT fill us in on all the details in advance. When God called Abram out of Ur, He said, “Go.” Abram wasn’t even given a map. As the band Abram led needed information, God gave it to them. Henry Blackaby says, “God will always give you enough specific directions to DO NOW what He wants you to do. When you need more directions, He will give more in His timing.” 4. The final and most necessary step is to TALK with God about the job ahead of you. You can’t know the details unless you chat with the Planner. How often we stumble around, fret and worry, and destroy our own joy because we haven’t asked the architect of the universe for the blueprint on our little job. God wants us to depend on Him for all things. He wants to supply our needs from His riches. In Ephesians 3:20, God tells us He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. It is beyond our comprehension the great and good details God has for our lives. Most importantly, when we submit to God’s plans—allowing him to work the details—He is glorified. And that is our ultimate purpose. When we put the details in God’s hands, we don’t sweat the small stuff. Since that first prayer for the paperclips, God has taken care of the convention details—everything from tape to chairs to even the paperclips. Whether on the job, at home, or in our churches, we are showing a skeptical world that our God is bigger than the paperclips. What is the “paperclip” in your life? What are the details you need to allow God to reveal in his way and time? Susan K. Stewart is Managing Editor of Special Projects with Elk Lake Publishing Inc. She teaches, writes, and edits nonfiction. Susan’s passion is to inspire readers with practical, real-world solutions. Her books include Science in the Kitchen, Preschool: At What Cost?, Harried Homeschoolers Handbook, and the award-winning Formatting e-Books for Writers. Her latest book, Donkey Devos: Listening When God Speaks, was released in July. You can learn more at her website www.susankstewart.com. Graphic adapted, courtesy of Aleander Stein at Pixabay. Biblical Thinking Spiritual Growth