Overwhelmed by Overflow Letitia “Tish” Suk is immensely practical. As a life coach, she often helps women deal with personal struggles in positive ways. In this Organization UPGRADE, she helps us cope with the disorder in our homes. “Some of us settle for a junk drawer,” Letitia says. “I grabbed a whole room!” I (Dawn) am picturing a closet right now in my own home. Maybe Letitia can help me. And you! Letitia continues . . . I had a vague memory of the color of the floor in my small storage room in the basement. That was before I claimed it for my miscellaneous possessions: off-season items/gift wrap/old photos/grandkid toys/folding chairs, and all the other items I might need someday. The rest of my home more or less reflected my orderly side—we all have one somewhere; but the storeroom was an embarrassment, even to me. Just closing the door was no longer effective. With the holiday season looming, with all the extra activities, it was time to get serious about tackling this chore. But just where was I going to find that time? My best M.O. for a large task is to seize a whole day for it. The idea of “an hour here and an hour there” might work for some. It gets me nowhere. Of course, that requires rescheduling everything else previously slotted for that chosen day. It takes a bit of ruthless planning, but the result is worth the inconvenience. Strategies abound on the “right” way to declutter. You may already know what’s your favorite plan of attack for your personal overflow. I could recite many methods that work for someone else, but here is what worked for me. Each item got scrutinized and sorted into one of ten piles for distribution. Here are the categories: 1. Freecycle This is a web group where you post what you want to give away or acquire, and the community responds to you. In the past week, I have left a number of items on my porch with post-it names on them for the new owner to come and collect. Easy! Look for it in your area. 2. Return to Adult Kids We have provided free storage to our children’s memorabilia for years, but now they are getting it back! I decided to provide a little deadline to “come and get it,” and then it lands back in THEIR storage room. 3. Giveaway Our church has a free clothing pantry every Wednesday, so all found clothing and small household items are going on that pile—very satisfying to see the patrons enjoying their “new” items. Also, most areas have a Goodwill or Salvation Army store that is happy to accept donations and give you a tax receipt. 4. Take Back to the Store. In the purge, I found unopened purchases from mostly craft stores that went right back for merchandise credit. 5. Recycle The bins in our alley overflowed from all the recyclables we generated. I also started gathering a box of electronics to deliver to a different community site, and cell phones for another. Check in your area for where you can recycle all your cast offs. Sometimes there are “recycling fairs” sponsored by local businesses. 6. Friends Books, photos and even a cassette tape turned up that got passed on to their original owners or those much more interested in the subject. You might want to ask permission first before the handoff. 7. Sell Ebay or Facebook Marketplace are great sources to make some cash for your no longer needed items. Stores for used books or music might also be interested in your former possessions. Don’t count on big sums but it is usually worth the trip. 8. Library Whatever books I didn’t sell went to the public library donation bins. Magazines also ended up there. I will try not to buy them back at the next library sale! 9. Garbage Some items were clearly not valuable for any other use and needed to be pitched. 10. Return to the Storeroom. Once I eliminated all the clutter in the tiny room, it was a pleasure to organize the items I DID want to keep. I could actually see my good stuff now as well as the formerly hidden floor. What area of your home are you ready to tackle? Letitia (Tish) Suk invites women to create an intentional life centered in Jesus. She is a blogger and author of Getaway with God: The Everywoman’s Guide to Personal Retreat, and Rhythms of Renewal. She is a speaker, personal retreat guide and life coach in the Chicago area. Learn more about Letitia here. Graphic adapted, courtesy of Annie Spratt at Unsplash. Homemaking Organization