Resolutions, Goals and a Bucket List Ready for the New Year? I always appreciate those who help us forget those things that are behind and push forward to greater things. Marcia Ramsland is one of those people, and I asked her to share this special New Year’s UPGRADE. “January 1 is the day to write a resolution or two,” Marcia says. “If you’re not living the life you love or at least enjoying each day, then perhaps it’s because you don’t know what you want, you know what it is but haven’t worked to get it, or you’ve let life get in your way.” Last year, I [Dawn] picked a special word that motivated me all year long, but I have to admit, my office fell apart last year. Picking one motivating word has nothing to do with organizing your life (unless, perhaps, the word is “organization!”) So I’m looking for tips from people like Marcia to help me get back on track! Marcia continues . . . Here are three ways to change that while you are poised at the beginning of the new year. Pick One Style for a New Year, New You! 1. A Resolution A New Year’s resolution is a January 1 personal commitment for the coming year to change a habit or lifestyle for the better, such as the two most popular ones, to lose weight and get organized! 2. A Goal A goal is a dream with a plan attached, and is best achieved if there is a positive emotional response to its success, such as moving to a warm climate, redecorating at home, or doubling your income. Jot them on your new monthly calendar. 3. A Bucket List A Bucket List is a wish list of things you’d like to do in your lifetime that captures your imagination–such as climbing Mt. Everest, running a marathon or writing a book. Fill your bucket list with 5-10 things you’ve only dreamed about. What would it take for a “New Year, New You” lifestyle makeover? Here is a list of 15 ideas to stimulate your thinking. Write your own list of eight to ten goals you would like to have or do in the coming new year. Think big! Prioritize my life and say “no” with confidence. Find a regular exercise program I like. Eat healthier every meal. Get to bed by 10:30 p.m. Reorganize and upgrade my office. Create a budget and save for my dream car. Plan one enjoyable activity per 52 weekends. Trade childcare for more personal time. Get together monthly with a good friend. Become team manager for your son’s sports team. Go on my bucket list dream vacation. Call parents/grandparents once a week. Send out birthday cards (or birthday emails) on time. Join a new business group. Wrap up leadership responsibility in current organization. Complete a degree over the next three years. I know this setting goals works for two reasons: 1) Proverbs 13:4 says, “The sluggard (sluggish) craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.” Practically, that means if we steadily work toward a goal, we will get there. Also, if we just set the goal, we won’t get there. 2) I coach women via Face Time, email, and photos to achieve anything from writing a book, or organizing their paperwork, closet, garage or office–in 30 days or less! Things they never thought they could do! When they know I do three-month, six-month, and one-year checkups, they achieve their new, organized lifestyle–and maintain it. It works and you can see the “Before and After” photos yourself here. What works best for you: resolutions, goals, a bucket list or something else? What motivates you? NOTE: This post is an adapted excerpt from Marcia’s book, Simplify Your Holiday Season. Marcia Ramsland is well known as the “Organizing Pro,” a national speaker, and author of over 100,000 books sold in her Simplify Your Life series. Marcia personally coaches individuals and organizations to be highly productive in managing their time, space, and life. Hundreds of clients and audiences from New York to California agree with her belief that anyone can become more organized – even YOU! Contact her at New Year Graphic adapted, Image courtesy of noppasinw at Choices Goals New Year Organization