Trials Polish the Shine I’ve watched Kathy Carlton Willis deal with trial after trial and somehow continue to shine. I often wonder how she manages to grin despite the challenges. In this deeply personal Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she helps us consider the blessing in our trials. “Trials are going to happen to everyone. We don’t get a choice,” Kathy says, “but we do get to choose how we respond. Will I grin or will I groan? I’ve found if I can stay focused on God and others, I can endure the negative circumstances in my life.” Kathy’s not merely saying words. She’s my (Dawn’s) personal Barnabas of encouragement even when she’s in the middle of her own painful situations. Kathy continues . . . A few months ago I had a simple surgery that resulted in serious complications. Others ask how I keep smiling during personal turmoil. Even though my time in the hospital was miserable, the God-appointments were amazing! When people entered my room to do their jobs, God prompted me to say the right thing so they felt comfortable opening up about a burden. I got to deliver a dose of Jesus’ grace before they left. Only God could bring the hurting to me when I was hurting and couldn’t go to them! How rewarding to be used for God’s good and glory despite physical limitations. If you are going through a terrible circumstance, I’m here to share this fact: trials polish the shine more! So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold” (1 Peter 1:6-7a, NLT). I rejoice that God planted me at the right place at the right time. Oh—the stories I heard! People came in with family problems. One admitted she was shamed by a hospital worker for being “just an aide.” My tenderhearted night nurse was worried about her own upcoming medical test. The next week she returned to thank me for my prayers because her test came back normal! A mom visiting her son across the hall talked to me about his serious injuries. We discussed how God answers prayer. Many more God-stories occurred. As I walked the halls, every door had the name of that room’s patient and their doctor. I prayed for each. For the patients, to have grace to endure, and for the doctors to have both wisdom and compassion. It was like my own personal missionary assignment! Praying for others got my mind off my own problems and kept them in perspective considering what others faced. TIPS for ENDURANCE 1. Be alert to others. Be alert to what’s going on around you more than you’re tuned in to your own problems. God can use us anywhere as long as we pay attention to the pain—and joy—of others rather than being singularly focused on our own dilemmas. 2. Sense the prayers of others. Allow them to lift you up, uP, UP—just like a hot air balloon. 3. Don’t apologize for being weak. One of God’s graces is that when we are weak, God shows up strong. (Well… He’s always strong, but I sure notice it more when I’m weak!) 4. Tap into God’s strength. The strength you need or others need in you will show up as He surges through you with His power. It’s the Christian’s super power! For whatever reason, God seems to like to use me in the MESS rather than in the BEST. If that’s the way He gets the most glory, I’m okay with that. My story is about how BIG He is despite my big problems. Whether in the BEST, or the MESS—I am BLESSED. How might God use you during your current messy life situation? Kathy Carlton Willis shines for God, reflecting His light as a speaker at writer’s conferences and women’s retreats, and as an author – contributing to three books and writing hundreds of columns and articles online and in print publications. She wrote Grin with Grace with AMG Publishers and has several books releasing over the next few years. She and her husband Russ live in Texas with Jazzy, their hilarious Boston Terrier. Spiritual Life Trials