When We Feel Like Jesus Doesn’t Care . . Kathy Collard Miller makes hard truths understandable and simple truths powerfully motivating. In this Faith UPGRADE, she reminds us that God is working in and for us in our most difficult storms of life because He deeply cares about us. “We’ve all experienced times when our circumstances seem to indicate Jesus doesn’t really care,” Kathy says, “We may feel overwhelmed, or our prayers aren’t being answered as we would like.” Yes, I (Dawn) have experienced that feeling many times. Once, I remember asking, “Lord, where are you? Do you see me?” Of course, I knew He was present and He saw me. Years of trusting Him taught me that. But feelings in that moment threatened to rule over my faith. I’m glad Kathy is addressing this important issue. Kathy continues . . . A story in the Bible, in Mark 4:35-41, exactly addresses our heart’s longing to be cared about. In this passage, Jesus and the disciples are in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee, and the storm is so extreme the disciples fear they will die. God Cares about You in Your Struggle 1. Everyone, even the disciples, questioned whether Jesus cared about them. You are not alone. They ask, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Why do they ask? Because Jesus is asleep on a cushion. I’d say that’s really uncaring and inattentive. The fact that these hardened fishermen are expressing feelings like wanting to be cared about is incredible and fascinating. Most men hide their feelings, but here they express their deepest longings: Please! Someone! Care that we are going to die! 2. Our storms feel overwhelming when there’s no instant solution. I can surely understand the disciples’ terror. They may have even thought nothing bad would happen to them because they are with Jesus. But there truly was a reason for fear. Even though most of them were seasoned fishermen, this storm was obviously way beyond their comfort zone. They knew fishermen who had perished in storms like this. The Sea of Galilee was famous for sudden windstorms. The boat was not just taking on water—it was “swamped.” As they looked around for help, what did they see? Jesus asleep on a cushion. The man who should have been the first to take care of them was completely oblivious to their need and fear. We, like them, can see the dangers of the storm hitting us, and it seems like Jesus is oblivious. He isn’t answering our cries for help—the way we want Him to. 3. We interpret the ‘silence’ as ‘Jesus doesn’t care.’ When the disciples can’t stand it anymore, they “woke him” (vs. 38). Did they jostle him? The boat was already being jostled. Did they call to him? The sounds of the wind were already screaming. Did they grab him and shake him? That’s what I would have done. Out of terror and feeling abandoned. We can be tempted to express our terror and abandonment through emotional outbursts because we’re afraid we’ll hear, “No, I don’t care because you don’t deserve it” or some other lie. I’ve been guilty of getting angry at my husband Larry, and only later realizing my heart was crying out, “Show me you love me! Maybe my anger, distress, or craziness will get your attention.” I think we can have the same reaction to Jesus which expresses itself through doubt, distrust, and ungodly reactions. 4. Even when it seems Jesus doesn’t care, remember who He is. After Jesus calms the storm and the danger is past, the disciples are filled with wonder and awe. They rightly ask, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41-42). If they had asked each other at the beginning—“But remember what He’s already done for us?”—they might not have wondered if Jesus cared about them. That’s most likely exactly why a story like the Sea of Galilee storm is included in the Gospel account. I wonder how many times the disciples—who became the Apostles—said things like, “Remember that time Jesus was sleeping, but He woke up and immediately calmed the storm? We had to wait but He came through. He’s going to do the same thing for this challenge.” We can do the same thing. We can reflect on his nature of omniscience: “This is no surprise to Jesus. He knows everything.” We can reflect on His nature of perfect love: “Even though He seems to be asleep on a cushion, He hasn’t stopped loving us or caring for us.” We can reflect on His power: “This storm is no problem for Him.” We can reflect on His wisdom: “We can trust whatever reason He is allowing this. He will solve it at the right time.” Remembering the truth brings glory to God. 5. Jesus is compassionate even as He invites the disciples to have more faith. When have you wondered if Jesus cares? The good news is He didn’t give up on the disciples even as He gently called for greater faith. I wish I could have seen the expression on His face. I think it’s not one of frustration but compassion. And since He knows the future, He knows He will continue to strengthen their faith until they become powerful witnesses for the Kingdom. Can you hear Him say to you, “Child, I do care! Trust me. I know exactly what I’m doing and it’s for your good and my glory”? The next time it seems Jesus doesn’t care, what will you remember He already done and how it revealed His nature? Kathy Collard Miller loves to help women trust God more through her 59 books and speaking in 35 states and 9 foreign countries. She is a wife, mother, grandmother living in Boise, Idaho, with her husband, Larry of 52 years. Her website/blog is www.KathyCollardMiller.com. Kathy’s newest book is a women’s Bible study on courage: Heart of Courage: Daughter of the King Bible Study Series. This post is adapted from Pure-Hearted: The Blessings of Living Out God’s Glory. Graphic adapted, courtesy of Dimitris Vetsikas at Pixabay. Faith