Before You Enter the New Year Becky Harling often encourages women to forget about “performance” and take time to seek God and find refreshment in time alone with Him. In this New Year UPGRADE, she suggests taking a day for personal reflection. “Every year between Christmas and New Year’s Day, I take a day for prayer and personal reflection,” Becky says. “Honestly, it’s become one of my favorite days of the year!” In all the busyness of the holidays, I (Dawn) have found I need a quiet place of rest and reflection; so I appreciate what Becky is sharing here today. Becky continues . . . By creating the space to be alone with God I am able to refresh and revive. As I spend time alone with God in prayer and praise, the Holy Spirit brings my spirit into alignment with His. During that day, I spend a lot of time listening to God—I want to know what His desires are for my life as I enter the New Year. I also reflect back over the past year and consider my relationships and different aspects of my life. I then ask the Holy Spirit to speak into that area how he wants me to grow in the coming year. I turn off my cell phone and take a break from my computer. It can feel scary at first, but it is so freeing to unplug and simply luxuriate in God’s presence. Rather than setting a tight schedule for my day of prayer, I include certain elements: 1. Praise music to help me settle down in God’s presence. Worshipping God on my knees sets my focus for the day and brings my heart into alignment with God’s heart. (At the end of this guide you will find some new and wonderful praise songs that I recommend for your praise time.) 2. Scripture God speaks through His Word, the still small voice of His Spirit and through others. I often read through a passage like John 15. Then I underline and circle whatever phrases seem to jump of the page at me. As I read, I look for specific patterns. I ask the Holy Spirit to open my eyes to what He wants me to see in Scripture. I then choose some key verses for the coming year and commit those to memory. 3. A Journal As I read scripture, I record principles that I believe God is speaking. I watch for patterns or phrases that keep reappearing. I may look for one word to focus on in the New Year. 4. Silence My world, like yours, is filled with noise: cell phone, TV, social media, etc. In many ways, I’m addicted to noise. I love people. I love music. I love the adrenaline rush of lots going on. But, my soul needs quiet to re-calibrate and connect with God. Rarely do I hear God’s voice in the chaos and cacophony of daily noise. I have to be intentional. I have to pull away and do as Jesus invited, “Come with me, by yourself to a quiet place” (Mark 6:31). There in silence, I listen for the quiet whisper of God’s voice. 5. Beauty I believe God created our souls to enjoy beauty. As part of my day of prayer and reflection I incorporate beauty. Depending on where we are in the world, I might take a walk by the beach. Or, I might go for a walk in the snow, or by a river. Or, I might simply spend time gazing at the mountains. Beauty reminds me of the majesty of my God. 6. Reflective Questions help me to understand what’s going on in my heart and what the Holy Spirit might want me to surrender or embrace. I ask myself questions like: What do I want to see God do in my life in the next year? Which relationships do I need to focus on more closely? How well am I listening to those I love? Do I need to do a better job with self-care this up coming year? Is there a specific cause that God is inviting me to join in the upcoming year? If so, what steps do I need to take to get involved? Friend, here’s the thing. Without intentionality you won’t find the space to spend time in reflection, so I encourage you, pull out your calendar and mark the day that you’re going to spend with God. Then gather the tools I mentioned and find a quiet place where you can retreat with the Holy One. Here are some recommended songs for your quiet retreat: 1. “Abba (Arms of a Father)” by Jonathan and Melissa Helser 2. “There is a Cloud” by Elevation Worship 3. “I Believe” by JJ Heller Which of these songs best helps you reflect on the Lord? Becky Harling. Authentic. Passionate. Funny. Insightful. Becky is a frequent speaker at conferences, retreats, and other venues. She is the author of Rewriting Your Emotional Script, Freedom from Performing, The 30 Day Praise Challenge and The 30 Day Praise Challenge for Parents. Becky is married to Steve Harling and has four adult kids and five grandkids. Visit her website and blog! New Year Rest Spiritual Life